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Pflugerville OBGYN

OBGYNs located in Pflugerville, TX

For effective and safe pregnancy prevention, visit Pflugerville OBGYN. Our team provides personalized and confidential care to women in Pflugerville, Texas, who are looking to prevent pregnancy. To learn about contraception options and have all of your questions answered, schedule a consultation online or over the phone today.

Contraception Q & A

What types of contraception are available?

At Pflugerville OBGYN, the team offers extensive birth control options to choose from based on your lifestyle and preferences. Available contraceptive options include:

  • Birth control pills
  • Hormonal birth control patch
  • Intrauterine device (IUD)
  • Birth control implants, including Nexplanon®
  • Birth control shot
  • Vaginal ring
  • Sterilization procedures

Some types of birth control must be taken daily — like birth control pills — while others can be implanted in a minor in-office surgical procedure and last for three or more years — including implants and IUDs. To determine which type of contraception is best for you, the provider discusses your sexual health history, current or expected frequency of sexual intercourse, and lifestyle.

Certain lifestyle factors — such as a busy or erratic schedule — may make it difficult to remember to take a birth control pill every day. You may also prefer more long-term solutions for pregnancy prevention. The provider answers all of your questions and works with you to find the best contraception option for your needs.

What are the benefits of contraception?

The effectiveness of contraception varies depending on the type you choose. Generally, hormonal birth control ranges from 95-99% effectiveness when used properly. This means taking your prescriptions on time every day — in the case of birth control pills — or scheduling yearly checkups to ensure an implant is still in place and effective at preventing pregnancy.

Other benefits of contraception include:

  • Less stress about unplanned pregnancy
  • Less frequent and lighter periods
  • Reduction of PMS symptoms
  • Fewer hormonal acne breakouts

Hormonal contraceptives do not prevent the spread of STDs. The provider can test you for STDs in the office, which is recommended before you engage in sexual activities with any new partner. Condoms can prevent the spread of STDs and offer additional pregnancy prevention when combined with other contraceptive methods.

Can I take birth control after having unprotected sex?

Yes, depending on how much time has passed since you had sex. Emergency contraception — sometimes called Plan B or the morning-after pill — can be taken up to five days after having unprotected sex. This option becomes less effective every hour that passes after having unprotected sex, so it’s best to take it as soon as possible.

Most forms of emergency contraception are available without a prescription. Discuss this option with the provider if you’ve had unprotected sex and want to prevent pregnancy.

To learn about contraception options, call or schedule an appointment at Pflugerville OBGYN now.